The Emotional Space | #2 | Walking Soundscape

In my last post I wrote about the first two of the three concepts I came up with for my upcoming project. This post is solely dedicated to the third concept, which set the direction for the further course of my project development.

I play the drums and other percussion instruments, and as soon as I have any kind of a beat in my ear, I struggle to keep my body completely still. Sometimes my fingers drum against my thighs, at other times I just wiggle my toes within my shoes. Another one of those situations is when I am walking with my headphones on and align my steps to the beat. This sparked an idea in my head. What if it was the other way around? What if the music would align itself to the steps I take?

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The Emotional Space | #1 | First Concepts

When I got assigned the task to come up with three concept ideas for a rather extensive project in very short time, I started off with experiencing a classic case of blank page syndrome (which is exactly what it sounds like). Even creativity sometimes needs a little nudge, and for someone who knows the sweet scent of procrastination, time pressure might just be the uncomfortable companion that was needed. I spent most my free minutes contemplating, letting my thoughts go looking for new leads, asking myself the question – if I can do anything, what do I want to do? In the end, my brainstorming session was most fruitful on bike rides and right before falling asleep. In the following paragraphs I will introduce the first two of the three concepts that got shaped in those moments.

Float Tank
Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash