Now that the semester is coming to an end, there is finally a little bit of time to reflect upon what has happened in the last four months. And talking specifically about this project, it has come quite some way. In the past weeks I have finalized my exposé (which you can view and download below), worked more on the vision I have, laid out some basic design context and presented it to various people. I will keep this blog entry rather short and just touch upon some of the next steps.

Within due time I will get the opportunity to test the wristbands of Instruments of Things which I talked about in my last entry. This will provide a good start into the practical prototyping phase of next semester. Following this, I will be able to fix my decision on a hardware setup and start to focus on the software side, which will lead to the work on the generative aspect of the soundscape. Below you find a sketch of my schedule. It is unfortunately a little hard to read, so make sure to check out my exposé for a clearer version.

I also decided upon a design scheme. I would like to keep it quite minimalistic and somewhere between mythical and calming. This led me to choose shades of dark blue to grey and cream colors.
Now, this was my last entry for this semester. I am really looking forward to progress with this project and I am sure I will be back soon with some more news! If you want some more information about The Emotional Space, below you will find a PDF file containing my exposé.