Minimalist packaging attention and perception (part 1)

The past couple of days I have looked into a very interesting study from Michael Garaszczuk which deals with the topic of packaging design. Here are some of the most important findings:

Originally, the role of packaging design was to store the product in a protective container while it was transported through different distribution channels. However, over time the purpose shifted to a more marketing-oriented role. Therefore, the packaging becomes to be a very important communicative factor. From a customer’s point of view, well-designed packaging conveys positive information about the product, therefore increasing the product’s benefits which again increases the value of a product as a whole. Therefore, many purchase decisions depend on the expectation of how well a product will perform. The purchase of a product can be prompted through the packaging design. Therefore, consumers’ impulsive purchase intention is heavily influenced by the message communicated by the package, especially when the consumer has not deeply thought about the brand options before entering the store. Without the previous evaluation of the product, the message delivered by the packaging is interpreted more indifferently, resulting in a more positive purchase decision (Garaszczuk, 2015).

Two important categories of product packaging which have been classified are visual and informational elements. Visual elements include graphics, color, placement, size, and shape whereas informational elements include product informational and technology (Garaszczuk, 2015). Some authors have also classified into verbal and on verbal elements. Non-verbal packaging elements are similar to the visual elements, they consist of color, form, size, images, graphics, material, and smell. Verbal components consist of brand name, country of origin, information, special offers, and instructions. In the end, visual and informational (verbal) packaging elements work together to strengthen a brand in customers’ minds (Garaszczuk, 2015).

In order to communicate value, the most effective way, packaging must not only attract consumers’ attention but also align the product’s properties with market preferences. Therefore, strategies concerning market positioning try to determine which qualities consumers associate with the visual character of a product packaging. As an example, high-end products have been associated with bold colors, straight lines, and bold typography. In another study by Smith and Brower, it was found out that 26% of respondents attribute brands that use a clean package design, the color green, and pictures of nature a “green” personality (Smith & Brower, 2012).

It is crucial for marketers to think about traits a brand must personify to be attractive for the target group. Therefore, cereal brands typically use vibrant and playful colors no their packaging which is attractive to children (Garaszczuk, 2015). P. 7

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