It is very important to bear in mind that a children’s space must be suitable for its users.
Children’s facilities are often the most complex to accommodate, as they need to be accessible to accompanying adults as well. In addition, as in any other facility, it is necessary to take into account people with reduced mobility, adapting heights and sizes.
Let’s remember that all the above details are determined according to the age range of 6 to 8 years old. Not only because this is the target public of this project, but also because at this age it is necessary to limit the range as it is a time when physical and personal changes occur rapidly.
Taking into account this range, it is necessary to know the approximate height of our audience. In this case, it is very similar between the sexes and is between 115 cm and 127 cm tall. This means that any table, chair, device or sign should be within the range of vision and accessibility of a person of that height.
Knowing this, an analysis of the correct heights and spaces can be carried out. Reference is made to a guide for Glasgow museum exhibitions and a standard accessibility guide for exhibitions.
These guidelines determine that for ages 5-12 years, seating should have a minimum height of 32.5 cm and a maximum height of 45 cm; while standing desks should be between 52 cm and 82.5 cm. The knee space under these tables should be 61 cm high, 61 cm deep, 76 cm wide.
In addition, a child’s viewing height is between 101 cm and 147.4 cm when the child is standing; and 85.6 cm and 95 cm when the child is sitting. This allows a reach radius of between 54.5 cm and 88 cm when standing and 41 cm and 70.5 cm when seated.

This includes the recommended widths between tables, walls or shelves. This should be a minimum of 183 cm to allow space for two wheelchairs. In any case, a space of 223.5 cm is recommended for specific areas for children.
A summary table of all these concepts is included below.

García, I. (2021, May 7). Pesos y estaturas en niños recomendadas por la OMS. Todo Papás.
Glasgow City Council. (n.d.). A Practical Guide for Exhibitions.
Ingenium accesibility standards for exhibitions. (2018).