Content Creation via AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have the potential to significantly change content creation by providing new ways to create, optimize, and distribute content.

One of the most significant impacts of AI on content creation is the ability to automate certain tasks, such as generating headlines, captions, and summaries. This can save content creators a significant amount of time and allow them to focus on other tasks that require human creativity and judgment. AI can also be used to analyze data on audience preferences and behavior to help content creators tailor their content to their audience, improving engagement and driving traffic.

In addition to automating tasks and improving content targeting, AI can also be used to generate content, including text, images, and video. For example, AI-powered tools can generate product descriptions, news articles, or even entire novels. These tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze existing content and generate new content that mimics the style, tone, and structure of the original.

AI can also improve the distribution of content by optimizing its placement and timing across various platforms. By analyzing audience behavior and engagement, AI tools can help content creators determine the best times to post content and the most effective channels to distribute it on.

Overall, AI systems have the potential to streamline content creation, improve its targeting, and create new types of content. While there may be concerns about the impact of AI on human creativity, it is clear that these tools have the potential to be a powerful asset for content creators in a wide range of industries.

Especially with new viewing behaviors, such as on TikTok, where the average video length is 10 to 15 seconds, video production needs to be faster. Generally speaking, the tendency on this platform is to prioritize quantity over quality. Various blogs recommend posting several videos per day to gain a following, particularly if your goal is to make a sustainable living through short-format content.

Voice AI – A deeper look

Voice change by AI tools refers to the ability of software systems to modify the sound of a user’s voice in various ways using artificial intelligence techniques. These tools use machine learning algorithms and real-time audio processing to apply filters and modifications to a user’s voice, altering its pitch, timbre, tone, and other characteristics. The modifications can range from subtle changes, such as adjusting the tone of a voice to sound more professional or friendly, to more dramatic transformations, such as turning a male voice into a female voice or vice versa. Voice change by AI tools has numerous applications, including entertainment, gaming, and communication, where it can add a fun and engaging aspect to interactions or help users maintain anonymity. However, there are also concerns about the potential misuse of these tools for malicious purposes, such as impersonation or fraud.

In this article, we will take a deeper look at the system and what is currently possible with it. Generally speaking, the tool allows us to use our voice and change it to a different person’s voice. For example, in this case, I used the well-known podcaster Joe Rogan’s voice. The original sound bite from the Joe Rogan podcast is available, and my voice has been altered in real-time using the tool. The changed voice is also available in recording mode.

The original soundbit from the Joe Rogan Podcast
My voice altered by in real-time
altered with max. recording settings

Voice AI altering is a rapidly advancing technology that enables users to modify their voices in various ways. Although the technology is not yet perfect, it is still impressive to see how far it has come. One of the most fascinating aspects of voice AI altering is that it can be used to train any voice, including your own. This means that users can create personalized voice filters and even deepfake their own voice, making it sound like they are saying things they never actually said. However, there are limitations to the technology, and it is not yet capable of producing completely realistic and convincing voice alterations. Despite these limitations, voice AI altering technology is still incredibly exciting but also a bit frightening.

One of the concerns is that the AI that learns from voice recordings can be used for free, with payment for more voice, etc., and is open to everyone. This means that in the future, deepfakes will become an omnipresent topic, and the source will become even more critical than they already are.

For a detailed look into the app I recommend following video:

Making AI generated Content

This video is made with ChatGPT and Capcut.

It took only about an hour to finish this video and upload it to the online video platform TikTok. Could this be the new way of publishing video content online?

Which types of AI-generated content already exist?

  1. Natural Language Generation (NLG): NLG algorithms are used to create human-like text content by using structured data as input. NLG systems analyze the input data and generate sentences or paragraphs that convey information in a natural way.
  2. Content Recommendation: AI algorithms are used to recommend personalized content to users based on their interests, browsing history, and other data points. These algorithms analyze user behavior and suggest content that the user is likely to find interesting or engaging.
  3. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots interact with customers on websites or social media platforms. Chatbots can answer questions, provide recommendations, and offer customer service support.
  4. Content Curation: AI algorithms are used to curate content by analyzing user behavior and selecting articles, videos, and other content that is likely to be of interest to the user.
  5. Image and Video Generation: AI algorithms are used to generate images and videos. For example, GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) are used to generate realistic images, and algorithms like Deep Dream are used to create abstract art.

Overall, AI is used to automate content creation and curation, which can save time and resources while also providing a better user experience. However, it’s important to note that while AI-generated content can be useful, it can also lack the nuance and creativity of human-generated content.

That being said, it is possible to create content within seconds using AI systems, but in the long run, it remains to be seen if the creativity and inspiration of these pieces of content can keep up with human-generated texts, videos, and images.

Bing vs Google | Makes AI the difference?

Microsoft is taking Bing to the next level by including the popular AI ChatGPT. Could this mean a new era for the search engine, overtaking the giant Google, or is it just a new niche?

According to Statista (2022), as of December 2022, Google held the largest global desktop market share of search engines at 86.02%, while Bing held a market share of 2.55%.

What does ChatGPT say about this affair?

It is unlikely that “Bing with ChatGPT function” will overtake Google as the dominant search engine anytime soon. While ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can provide answers and information to users, it is not a search engine itself, but rather a tool that can be used to build applications and services that interact with users through natural language.

Google’s search engine has been the dominant player in the search market for many years, and it has a vast infrastructure and resources dedicated to providing fast and accurate search results to users. In addition, Google has a wide range of products and services beyond search, such as email, productivity tools, and cloud computing, which provide a strong network effect that further entrenches its dominance.

That being said, there is always the possibility of new technologies and innovations disrupting the market, and it is possible that ChatGPT or other natural language processing tools could play a role in that. However, it is difficult to predict the future of the search market, and it is likely to remain highly competitive for the foreseeable future.

The answer from the offline trained ChatGPT is very diplomatic. With the new GPT 3.5 that is working in Bing (now in alpha state), it is possible to ask questions instead of searching. The first tests are not too promising, but since this is a relatively new technology, Microsoft is still positive about its outcomes.


Gutsch, Felix. “Microsoft zieht ein Zwischenfazit für ChatGPT in Bing.”, 23 Feb. 2023,

Statista. (2022). Worldwide desktop market share of search engines from January 2015 to December 2022. Retrieved from,market%20share%20was%202.55%20percent.

Critical Evaluation of a master’s thesis

Critical Evaluation of a master’s thesis

Unterschiede zwischen traditionellem Sport und E-Sport
Inszenierung und Content-Marketing im Vergleich

By Philipp Landgraf

University: Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg

Level of Design

The Design of the Thesis is quite simple. Easy to read but not a lot of design elements, it is rather straight forward. At some points there are words marked bold.

Degree of Innovation

Since the work is comparing sports to e-sports the innovation factor is high. There is not a lot of works around this topic yet.


The piece is written by a professional – different types of literature was used while also combining different views from different topics. It looks like an independent work.

Outline and structure

Overall, the work is structured into two different pieces, showing the e-sports and the sports media differences. There are all parts necessary for a scientific work furthermore the writher shows insights in camera shots, positioning and surroundings.

Degree of communication

The text is straight forward, easy to read. It has some technical aspects but explains it in detail. Everyone can read this article.

Scope of the work

This thesis shows on 117 pages with pictures the differences between sports events and e-sport events. There is also discussion focusing on detailed areas of the two events.

Orthography and accuracy

No Spelling mistakes were found in my read through.


The Literature ranges from book to e-books and online articles mostly from 2018

> Landgraf, P.: Unterschiede zwischen traditionellem Sport und E-Sport : Inszenierung und Content-Marketing im Vergleich. Salzburg, 2021.

Twitch Integration in Games

There are lots of different Games that use Twitch as an interaction method between viewers and streamers. In this article there are 4 examples of this technique, sorted by complexity of integration.

Warhammer Vermintide 2

Gameplay: First-person coop shooter

Interaction: The twitch chat has certain operators to choose from with commands in the chat. They can ether give the player items that are helpful or spawn more and more enemies. Ether the make the gameplay easier or harder.

vermintide 2 gameplay screenshot

© GeneralMcBadass


Dead Cells

Gameplay: 2D platformer, roguelike inspired by Metroidvania-style games.

Interaction: „Captain Chicken“ -> one viewer can decide when to heal the streamer and send messages in game, visible for all viewers. Furthermore, the rest of the chat can vote for specific upgrades for the streamers character.

© Jeff Grubbs Game Mess on YouTube

One Troll Army

Gameplay: Tower Defense, with a playable character controllable like a MOBA Game.

Interaction: Everybody in the chat can join the game as an enemy character trying to destroy the camp of the streamer and defeat them. They have commands on the stream.

© TinyBuildGames on YouTube


Party Hard 2

Gameplay: Stealth 2D strategy game

Interaction: At the start of a round twitch viewers can create the environment in which the streamer has to navigate, they can place items, enemies etc. After a two minutes setup the player joins the room and try achieving certain challenges. There are also some special bonuses for the chat when the streamer dies due to them or are certainly helpful.

© tinyBuildGAMES on YouTube



Dieser Erste Blog-Eintrag beschäftigt sich mit der Auswahl des Themas. Hier sind die drei Themen die mich persönlich interessieren.

1. Amokfahrt von Graz VR Dokumentation

Möglichkeiten/ Risiken

Zu viel Immersion? Zu heikel? Geschichte erzählen und miterleben

Originale Schauplätze


2. Twitch Integration Game

Spieler im Chat nicht nur Zuschauer sondern können aktiv ins geschehen eingreifen, spiel mit hoher Schwierigkeit, Zuschauer als faktor,

Beispiele Rimworld, Vermintide 2, deadcells

Twitch plays pokemon

Narrative mit Einfluss? Nicht nur Gimmik sondern Spielmechanik


3. Game Mechanics that matter

Unzählige Spielmechaniken, wenige wirklich meaning full, wie werden spielmechaniken richtig eingesetzt und umgesetzt. Emotionen erzeugen durch gameplay,

Journey, papers please, Telltale games



Nach dem persönlichen Gespräch führt mich meine Wahl zu einer Kombination aus Twitch Integration udn Game Mechanics that matter. Ich werde mich nun vertiefend mit dem Thema ausseinandersetzten.